While Antifa and Black Lives Matter rage against America, and overpaid NFL players show their contempt for the national anthem, ordinary citizens are displaying the Good Samaritan culture of America. They are stepping up to serve their neighbors, friends, and strangers devastated by recent disasters and atrocities. Within 30 days,
Tag: Good Samaritan
Total 3 Posts
“Compassion” has become one of a growing number of politicized words (like ‘access’ or ‘diversity’) whose meaning has been corrupted beyond redemption. So writes Thomas Sowell the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow at The Hoover Institution of Stanford University. While I would agree with Sowell that the word has
The phrase “social justice” has made a surprising comeback within Evangelical circles in the past few years. But what exactly do people mean when they use this phrase? For some, it simply means helping the poor in general, but I’ve found that when you push a bit, it often involves a particular approach,