Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: government

Total 24 Posts

Self-Control: The First Virtue?

This is post 7 of 7 in the series “7 key virtues” Meekness: A Needed Virtue in a Divided Nation Repentance: An Everyday Virtue for Everyone Hope Points Us Forward Prayer: A Virtue of Profound Benefit Joy, the Fruit of Obedience Righteousness is Actually a Virtue! Self-Control: The First Virtue?

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Freedom: Why Is It So Important?

Our friends at BreakPoint are inviting us to join an effort to preserve religious freedom. Please read on. We see lots of talk these days about religious freedom and government intrusion. What is the proper place of government relative to religious freedom? Some see the federal government as a sort of national

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The Moral Poverty of the West: Its Cause, Effects, and Solution

Who is not stunned by today’s news stories of violence? On July 22 Anders Behring Breivik murdered 91 fellow Norwegians. Just two weeks later we witnessed the August riots in England. Riots tore apart France in the fall of 2005. “Flash mobs,” organized by social media, are bringing mayhem to

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