Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: History

Total 29 Posts

Into Freedom or Bondage … Which Way the West?

Many Western societies, though founded on biblical worldview and principles, are now considered post-Christian. Europe is utterly atheistic; the United States is following suit. Sadly, the modern West lives in the present. Many Christians today function from near memory. They unconsciously operate from biblical principles, but make no connection between

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Articles of Interest

“Letting Gravity Do Its Work” by Mike Metzger of the Clapham Institute is an excellent article about God’s passion for the lost, and how if we will do our best to help all people flourish God will do His work of drawing them back to Himself when they have gone

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Top Scholars Confirm Truth of Christianity

This is a great article I’ve just finished reading titled Top Scholars Confirm the Truth of Christianity. The gentleman interviewed, Ted Baehr, is an acquaintance of my mentor, Darrow Miller. Ted is an inspiration for many reasons as he is a great mind who works in the realm of culture

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