DNA friend Marvin Olasky, editor in chief of WORLD and the author of more than 20 books, recently published “Social Calvinism: How the Reformer challenged conventional wisdom in government and economics” at WORLD’s Saturday Series page. We found his post about John Calvin so engaging and important we want to
Tag: John Calvin
John Calvin was one of the Protestant reformers In the early 1500’s, Geneva was called “the smelliest city of Europe.” The walls of the city were in disrepair, the people were poor, and families were falling apart. The condition of the church was deplorable. Proof? Priests operated houses of prostitution. The people
Most Christians have heard the name John Calvin, one of the leading Protestant reformers. Not as many know the scope of his influence on the city of Geneva, the nation of Switzerland, and all of Europe and the West. The legacy of John Calvin was both deep and broad, partly due to
Check out Catherine Hornby’s fine article Moral Rebound Finds Dutch Exploring Calvin online at REUTERS UK. With the emergence of the Global Economic Crisis, the Dutch are looking at their Protestant roots for answers. It would behoove Christians anywhere in the world who are concerned about the economic crisis to