It is popular today to speak of Christian “values.” There are even organizations that use the word in their name to grab the attention of Christians and other traditionalists who are concerned with the state of the family and the moral and spiritual condition of the state. – Traditional Values
Tag: Morality
According to the latest UNICEF estimates, 34 million people in the world suffer from HIV/AIDS. Half of the afflicted are women. Ten percent are children. In 2010, the latest available year for which we have statistics, 2.7 million people were newly infected with HIV, and 1.8 million people died of
In our previous post we discussed the heat in discussions of social justice. Today we want to answer the question, Where does the heat come from? In a word, the heat comes from different sacred belief systems. One’s paradigm of choice between an open system or a closed system will
All people of good will, who have a heart of the poor and vulnerable, who are appalled by the corruption and injustice they see, who are aghast at the slaughtering of females on the scale of a holocaust, who grieve to watch sex-slavery replace black slavery … all such people
New from Vishal Mangalwadi. This is what we teach in the ABCs of Culture. The cancer at the heart of America’s political economy is cultural. This great nation was built by an ethic – a spirituality that taught citizens to work, earn, save, invest, and use their wealth to serve
Here’s something you need to know about and support, particularly those of us in the United States … [youtube=] Bravo! Kudos to The Colson Center for leadership on this important project. Here’s the website: Scott Allen
The global economy isn’t exactly robust. Should the world’s governments pick up Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid!” ? No. Those who follow this mantra are mistaken. Undergirding any political/economic system is a set of ideas, a moral and metaphysical infrastructure. The political, economic, and social institutions
Oikonomia vs. Chrematistics In direct opposition to what those possessing a GCU (Great Commission Utilitarianism) mindset state, God’s ends reveals that human beings are placed on earth for economic purposes: to be the catalysts to allow families, communities and nations to reach their fruition. We see this unfold in the
I want to take time to acknowledge and mourn the death of James Pouillon, a pro-life advocate who was gunned down as he peacefully protested outside of a high school in Michigan this September. While the media intensely covered the death of late-term abortion practitioner, George Tiller, the media along
Following up on my last post, The Greatness of a Society, I want to share excerpts from an incredibly well done pro-life movie that is in the works. A U.S. Senate report states: “Physicians, biologists and other scientists agree that conception marks the beginning of the life of a human