So, I never set out to become the staff member that makes lots of comments about movies and the arts, but I’ve happened upon this role, because I have found that media penetrates my mind and communicates to my heart in deep ways. My wife and I watched the new
Tag: Movies
This is a great article I’ve just finished reading titled Top Scholars Confirm the Truth of Christianity. The gentleman interviewed, Ted Baehr, is an acquaintance of my mentor, Darrow Miller. Ted is an inspiration for many reasons as he is a great mind who works in the realm of culture
I have not seen a film in a long time that has effected me so strongly. In 15 minutes, this film (titled Volition) explores the choices of action and inaction at three major points in history. Our world truly makes it easy to conform and difficult to stand in opposition
I have not been able to catch up with all of Vishal Mangalwadi’s new videos on YouTube. However, out of those that I have watched, the one below is the best! It talks about the rhetoric of “change” and “hope” that is inspired by the Bible and not found in