As a country pursues a shift in worldview, language and culture will change as well. These changes then lead to a shift in policies and practices of compassion. This process can be pictured as Paradigm → Principles → Policies → Program. In the last 200 years the worldview in the
Tag: Olasky
My recent post Why So Much Heat About Social Justice? Part 2 generated such a thoughtful comment from a reader that I want to use a new post to respond. Thanks, Steve, for taking the time to write. Your remarks suggest that we have a mutual desire to live from the framework of orthodox Christianity.
Per the subtitle of this blog, we believe that truth has the power to transform culture. That’s why, a few weeks ago, we highlighted Dr. Marvin Olasky’s challenging piece Darwin Matters: The Influence of Evolutionary Thinking Far Beyond Biology. This week we want to point to something from Chuck Colson’s
Marvin Olasky, editor of WORLD, recently pointed out that yes, increased charitable giving is essential to attacking poverty, but without the transformation of cultures, money is not enough. In his column, The Promise and the Overpromise, Mr. Olasky referenced one of Darrow’s books: … why do some Christians emphasize the