In the debate between the LGB and Transgender communities, it looks like the latter are correct. Recent scientific study finds no ‘gay gene.’ For many years those in the gay and lesbian community have argued that they have no choice, they have been born this way. One of the movement’s
Tag: Science
The Puritans, like the Bereans before them, regarded the scriptures as the ultimate trump card in the trilogy of God’s revelation Truth is both revealed, and hidden. It is revealed through the word of God. As Jesus prays, in John 17:17, “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
Darwin is dead, and so is Darwinism. One little organism demonstrates it. Charles Darwin thought that all of life descended from a common origin through a process of “natural selection,” aka survival of the fittest. In 1856 Darwin wrote to his friend Asa Gray that there were only two possibilities
Physical science has developed this 6-dimensional figure to picture the extra dimensions of spacetime. (Wikipedia) Since the discovery of DNA and the research done on the genome project, it is increasingly clear to science that there is an Intelligent Designer behind the universe. Now the evidence for intelligence behind the
This is post 6 of 9 in the series “Narratives” Scott Allen explores the problem of how narratives have steadily replaced truth in Western society. What’s Wrong With a Story? The Destructive Power of Narrative: An Example from American History Why Narratives Have Become Pervasive Farewell, Justice: The Corrosion of
For years abortion supporters argued that the science supported their cause, that pro-lifers were functioning only from “religious convictions.” But recent developments in biology support the pro-life argument that science and theology are not in conflict. In fact, the science is so strong that the pro-abortion crowd has lost whatever
This is quoted from Vishal Mangalwadi‘s Christmas Newsletter: A year ago a great many Americans saw Candidate Obama as a Savior, so much so that he was prompted to humorously issue this clarification: “Contrary to the rumors you may have heard, I was not born in a manger.” Today his
This is post 7 of 9 in the series “Music that Writes Culture” Music that Writes Culture, Part 1 Music that Writes Culture, Part 2 Music that Writes Culture, Part 3 Music that Writes Culture, Part 4 Music that Writes Culture, Part 5 Music that Writes Culture, Part 6 Music
This is post 3 of 3 in the series “power of words” The Power of Words: Redefining Marriage (Part 1 of 2) The Power of Words: Redefining Marriage (Part 2 of 2) The Power of Words A few days ago, I received a letter from a friend who had just