Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you” (Matt. 26:11). Two millennia later, 815 million people lack enough food to lead a healthy, active life.[i] Nine million people die every year of hunger or hunger-related causes.[ii] These numbers are down from forty years ago—that’s good. But this level of
Tag: story
This is post 1 of 9 in the series “Narratives” Scott Allen explores the problem of how narratives have steadily replaced truth in Western society. What’s Wrong With a Story? The Destructive Power of Narrative: An Example from American History Why Narratives Have Become Pervasive Farewell, Justice: The Corrosion of
In Puerto Rico last month, Darrow mentioned something about one of his “favorite books,” Tree and Leaf by Tolkien. I had never heard of this book but came home and ordered it. Now I have a new favorite book. In Tree and Leaf, the creator of The Hobbit and Lord
I have a new appreciation for the power of a story in the heart of a human. As I stand here at the ‘turning of the years’ and look toward another year to come I find that “The color of the world, Is changing day by day…” On the one