Many people have identified the 2012 election as a tipping point in America, a point after which we live in a different country. If this is true, it’s not because of one election. The election is simply the manifestation of 100 years of cultural drift. National change always begins at
Tag: Barack Obama
In his controversial commencement appearance at the University of Notre Dame on May 17, 2009, President Obama tried to square his radical, pro-abortion, culture of death stance with the culture of life community as represented by the Roman Catholic church. His words sounded admirable. Let’s honor the conscience of those
One of the principles of a free society is the rule of law. A nation is to be ruled by law and not men standing above the law. Even the king or the emperor is to be under the law. However, a secondary principle to the rule of law is
What’s a biblical view of government? What’s an appropriate role for Christians in politics? For a very helpful and concise primer, check out the four-minute video below by Wayne Grudem, a friend of DNA. Speaking about his recent book, Politics According to the Bible, Dr. Grudem exposes five wrong views
Anymore, it’s news when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks in public without pledging to destroy the West. In May, at a nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty gathering he made clear reference to the United States in calling for the punishment of any threat to use nuclear weapons or attack against peaceful nuclear facilities.
Sunday marked a historic milestone for the United States with the passage of healthcare legislation long championed by President Obama. There is more than enough political commentary on this subject. My focus here is on what this legislation may mean for a part of our society we at the DNA care
A new article from Darrow was recently published on The Pearcey Report. The title is “Sarah Palin and Obama Death Panels: Atheistic Ideas Have Unhealthy Consequences.” This article takes a look at the underlying assumptions in the ongoing healthcare debate in the US, including those of political leaders Sarah Palin and Barack
It is a rare book that has me as excited as Vishal Mangalwadi’s new one does, Truth and Transformation. It simply is one of the most important books I’ve read on the power of a biblical worldview for social and cultural transformation. If this is a topic you care about—as
Many people accept the concept of “limited resources” and “overpopulation” without much thought–but what are the implications of these ideas–and are these ideas true? This morning as I listened to the radio on my drive to work, a news clip came on about Hillary Clinton, President Obama, and Pro-Life policies.
I know so many people who talk about the painful circumstances that lead one to a decision to choose abortion over life. One has to be realistic about the challenges of broken homes and single parenting, abuse, and the list is endless . . . and yet the potential for