Darrow Miller and Friends

Fresh Thinking on Transformation, Post 2 of 3

God is glorified most when Christ becomes visible within us; when we are conformed to the image of Christ (Rom. 8:29, Gal.4:19, Col. 1:28-29).  A good example of this is found in the book of Habakkuk, which is a book of transformation. It gives the account of one man’s spiritual journey; a journey from prison to praise. If the heart of the Gospel is change and transformation through redemption, the book of Habakkuk demonstrates hope, reformation, and renewal. Habakkuk went from complaining about his circumstances to confidence in God, from trust in man to faith in God, from trapped in darkness to a light on a lamp stand, from the valley to a city set on a hill.

In the first few verses of this book, Habakkuk is overwhelmed by his circumstances and, although he approached God with his questions, he’s not entirely convinced that God is in control of the situation anymore. He believes men-evil men-are in control. Habakkuk describes the situation by using words like “violence,” “iniquity,” “trouble,” “plundering,” “violence,” “strife,” “contention,” “the law is powerless,” “justice never goes forth,” “the wicked surrounds the righteous,” etc. Imbued with a sense of justice despite the unrighteousness around him, knowing the necessity of bringing the major questions of life to the God who created and redeems life, Habakkuk asked the Lord critical questions.

God answered Habakkuk by revealing His good intentions. God told Habakkuk in no uncertain terms that he must “look among the nations and watch – be utterly astounded! For I will work in your days which you will not believe…”

Habakkuk responded by positioning Himself to hear God’s voice. God carried on by giving instructions to Habakkuk to wait for what he is about to do. He said to Habakkuk, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets . . . though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.”

What is the vision that God wants Habakkuk to write down; the vision that will come to pass? I believe that Habakkuk 2:14 provides the answer, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” The Lord said that the knowledge of His glory will cover the earth. It’s a given; it will happen.

-Hein van Wyk, DNA Africa Affiliate, Samaritan Strategy Africa

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