Darrow Miller and Friends

Tim Williams

Total 26 Posts

Influencing Culture through Film

My wife and I were beyond impressed by the recently released DVD, Fireproof.  Only later did I come to discover that all but one of the actors and producers were from the same local church.  Then I found out that the movie was created for only $500,000.  How much did

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Imagine the Potential

I know so many people who talk about the painful circumstances that lead one to a decision to choose abortion over life.  One has to be realistic about the challenges of broken homes and single parenting, abuse, and the list is endless . . . and yet the potential for

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Is Love Fireproof?

So, I never set out to become the staff member that makes lots of comments about movies and the arts, but I’ve happened upon this role, because I have found that media penetrates my mind and communicates to my heart in deep ways. My wife and I watched the new

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Top Scholars Confirm Truth of Christianity

This is a great article I’ve just finished reading titled Top Scholars Confirm the Truth of Christianity. The gentleman interviewed, Ted Baehr, is an acquaintance of my mentor, Darrow Miller. Ted is an inspiration for many reasons as he is a great mind who works in the realm of culture

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