This is post 2 of 2 in the series “the Jews and the world” What the Jews Can Teach us About the MORAL UNIVERSE Why Does the World HATE THE JEWS? Why does the world hate the Jews? Dennis Prager relates Hitler’s answer to this question. “We are fighting,” he
Category: Morality
Many of us have been encouraged by the Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson. Over the last couple of years he has suffered from benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome leaving him weak and largely out of the public eye. Many of us have prayed for the restoration of his health (and he reports doing
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “the Jews and the world” What the Jews Can Teach us About the MORAL UNIVERSE Why Does the World HATE THE JEWS? Three questions interweave in ways that may not be immediately evident: they all relate to the moral universe. Why
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “moral precedes legal” To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral, part 2 A society does not end slavery, racism, or sexism merely by writing
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “moral precedes legal” To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral, part 2 How does one end moral evils like slavery, racism, or sexism? First,
Genesis chapter 3 records the rebellion and consequent fall of humans. The creation fell under a curse, and a vicious cycle of human poverty began. People worshiped gods of their own imagination, small family gods, tribal gods, capricious gods of nature with limited power. These gods were unpredictable, they ruled
This is post 4 of 6 in the series “Education in the Coronavirus age” What Has the Coronavirus Done to Our Schools? The Erosion of Higher Education A Virus Worse Than Covid-19 Children: Bullseye of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Parents or the State: Who Owns the Children? Education in the Coronavirus:
Occasionally, we have a comment worthy of reposting; that’s what we’re doing today, this one from the nation of Nigeria. It’s likely that many Darrow Miller and Friends readers do not see comments, especially those that come in late, so here’s a response to Darrow’s 11/19 post, Religious Liberty Fading
This is post 9 of 10 in the series “Black Lives Matter” Racism and Black Lives Matter: Worldview Reflections The Human Race, Antidote to Racism! Two Forms of Racism Postmodern Racism: Ideological Social Justice What is “Whiteness”? Racism Is in the Human Heart Three Important Distinctions Regarding Racism Hope in
This is post 3 of 10 in the series “Black Lives Matter” Racism and Black Lives Matter: Worldview Reflections The Human Race, Antidote to Racism! Two Forms of Racism Postmodern Racism: Ideological Social Justice What is “Whiteness”? Racism Is in the Human Heart Three Important Distinctions Regarding Racism Hope in