This is post 2 of 3 in the series “Gospel to the West” Society in Crisis: Applying a Biblical Worldview in the West How Will The West Hear the Gospel? The Arts Can Take the Gospel to the West Christians must recognize drastic changes in the West Whether we like
Tag: Gospel
This is post 4 of 18 in the series “classics” Not Every Story is Based in Reality How Homosexuality Became Normal in the West How Evolutionists Explain Poverty Lies Enslave, Truth Transforms Human Evil, Cosmic Consequences NURTURING: The Wonder of Being There Personal God, Personal Creation The Implications of Moral
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “social justice debate” History Repeats Itself in the “Social Justice” Debate History Repeats Itself in the “Social Justice” Debate, part 2 History Repeats Itself in the “Social Justice” Debate Photo by Melany Rochester on
Latin America is the fruit of an ethnic, spiritual and cultural amalgam, the greatest “mestizo”, “syncretistic” cultural experiment in the world, resulting in a truly “bridge people.” Originally we were a mixture of Spanish, Indian and African cultures, creatively blended and adapted to the local circumstances. Soon, however, traditional Iberian
Evangelicals and charismatics understand very well the individual dimension of the gospel, i.e. the personal and private need of the cross. We are sinners in need of salvation. We are lost and need to be found. We need to discover who we are and why we are here. The cross
In the DNA circles we talk about the kingdom a lot … because Jesus talked about the kingdom a lot. Every two years we have a DNA Global Forum. Colleagues and friends who are part of the DNA movement around the world gather for a few days to reconnect, hear
The folks over at The Gospel Coalition recently blogged about an individual whose legacy has had a big impact in Discipling Nations Alliance: Francis Schaeffer. Darrow Miller spent time at L’Abri and cites Schaeffer’s mentoring as one of the primary influences in his life. Readers who are new to Schaeffer’s thought
About ten years ago I began to feel restless about the work of the missionary organization I was part of. To be sure, there was lots to be happy about. We had dedicated missionaries very effective at building relationships in the community and sharing the gospel. People were coming to
Dr. Richard Edlin, President of Edserv International, recently wrote a very fine article, IS CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT BIBLICAL? Anyone interested in the concept of “cultural engagement” and whether it has a valid place in gospel ministry would do well to read this paper. Edlin points to the link between Matthew 28 and Genesis
We have had the privilege of working with a very artistically talented YWAM (Youth with a Mission) base in Puerto Rico for several years. This past fall, Darrow was invited to teach for two weeks on topics of the Great Commission. Here is what the base had to say in