Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: Family

Total 44 Posts

A Prosperous & Happy Society, Created by Individuals & Institutions, 4/4

Avoiding “The Europe Syndrome” In my last two blogs, we looked at the essential roles of families, churches and civil government in fostering healthy societies, and how socialist and communist states are defined by the encroachment of the civil government into the roles of both families and churches. The result

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A Prosperous & Happy Society, Created by Individuals & Institutions, 3/4

A Recipe for Disaster In my last blog, I talked about the unique role and contribution that families, churches and civil government play in fostering healthy societies. Social disintegration and disorder occurs when these three institutions do not understand, or fail to fulfill their God-given role. It also happens when

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A Prosperous & Happy Society, Created by Individuals & Institutions, 1/4

The Pursuit of Happiness When you think of “happiness,” what comes to mind? My pastor recently preached through the book of Philippians and contrasted joy and happiness this way: Happiness is fleeting, transitory, and based on circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, remains-despite our circumstances-if it rests on a deep

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Influencing Culture through Film

My wife and I were beyond impressed by the recently released DVD, Fireproof.  Only later did I come to discover that all but one of the actors and producers were from the same local church.  Then I found out that the movie was created for only $500,000.  How much did

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Jane Roe, Pro-life Advocate

The other day, I was sitting at home when I heard this commercial begin to air on our television.  Was I really hearing this right?  I couldn’t believe that “Jane Roe” would be speaking out against abortion. The woman who fought to make abortion legal in the United States is

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Is Love Fireproof?

So, I never set out to become the staff member that makes lots of comments about movies and the arts, but I’ve happened upon this role, because I have found that media penetrates my mind and communicates to my heart in deep ways. My wife and I watched the new

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